[CQ-Contest] NAQP RTTY Practice Thursday & Friday

Dean Wood cqden6de at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 23:12:36 EST 2008

The Northern California Contest Club invites you to participate in
this week's NAQP RTTY practices on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, February 21
30 minutes of NAQP RTTY practice
Starts 7pm PST, 8pm MST, 9pm CST, 10pm EST
[In UTC: Friday, February 22; 03:00Z-03:30Z]

Friday, February 22
30 minutes of NAQP RTTY practice
Starts 7pm PST, 8pm MST, 9pm CST, 10pm EST
[In UTC: Saturday, February 23; 03:00Z-03:30Z]

Suggested frequencies for the practices:
3585, 7085, 14085kHz, +/- 5kHz
(Let's be courteous to ongoing QSOs.)
Format: NAQP RTTY exchange

NAQP RTTY rules:

Note: These NAQP RTTY practices are not the NS Sprints.  NS still
takes place this Thursday at the normally scheduled time (03:30Z
Friday) on CW.

These RTTY practices are good opportunities to:
*Test your RTTY interface and tweak sound card levels
*Test antennas, logging software, message buffers, and SO2R setup
*Practice moving stations and mults to other bands (and being moved!)

-Dean - N6DE

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