[CQ-Contest] cut numbers and QRP

hank k8dd k8dd at arrl.net
Wed Feb 20 00:04:12 EST 2008

And the station this past weekend sending "5NN NNN" felt it meant "599 999"
for the standard signal report and 999 watts.

73    Hank    K8DD

On Feb 18, 2008 3:47 PM, <kr2q at optonline.net> wrote:

> >I had several stations send me a NN for their power.  I assumed they were
> running 99 watts
> >and that's how I logged it.  Was I right or wrong?
> >
> >Maybe a way to solve this cut number crap is to have 3 categories and
> only 3 acceptable
> >ways to send it.  As an example:
> >
> >L = Low Power (no more than 150 watts)
> >H = High Power (Over 150 watts)
> >Q = QRP (10 watts or less)
> [snip]
> >Dick
> >W0RAA
> Excuse me Dick....but part of your quote is wrong.
> >From the ARRL RULES:
> 5-W PEP output or less.
> PLEASE do not call QRP 10 watts or less.
> As for cut numbers, NN = 99 just like 5NN = 599.  Did anyone ever question
> what 5NN is?
> de Doug KR2Q
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