[CQ-Contest] Dumbing-Down Contests?

w5ov at w5ov.com w5ov at w5ov.com
Thu Feb 21 18:31:40 EST 2008

EI5DI said:
> It is broke!  It has been broken for over 20 years - since
> computer logging became the norm.
> CT, the first major contest logger, had no provision for
> logging RST Sent as anything other than 59(9).  Since then,
> the mindless exchange of 59(9) has become redundant.


599, or more accurately 5NN has been the default signal report for at
least the 35 years that I have been contesting / DXing and probably goes
back even longer than that.

I think it might be more accurate to say that CT followed the de facto
standard of logging 599 as the sent RST instead of causing it.


Bob W5OV

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