[CQ-Contest] Dumbing-Down Contests?

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Thu Feb 21 22:19:36 EST 2008

Back in the mid-70's University of Illinois club station W9YH operated 
phone Sweepstakes from a field station of the University EE department 
about 15 miles north of Champaign-Urbana. We got to use a Collins 
log-periodic up 150 feet that covered 40 meters. At the time 40 meter 
beams were very scarce. We connected to a DEC-10 computer via a phone 
line modem to log on the computer 15 miles away in that contest.

The university was NOT happy when they got the phone bill; it was a 
long-distance call and we were connected for the whole contest operation.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

> Why exchange it at all?  To make sure you got it right the first time, for
> one thing.
> Computer logging (which goes back more than 20 years, BTW) is not the issue
> at hand.  If you want to discuss prefills from contacts made with the same
> station worked on a different band, or Super Check Partial "suggestions", or
> whatever... that's fine, but that's not the issue at hand.

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