[CQ-Contest] Good contact, back to you

George Harlem W1EBI w1ebi at lightband.com
Fri Feb 22 15:08:05 EST 2008

Yep.  Mine was hearing a station, when asked to confirm his call, sent (by
way of example) "W...W...1...1...E...E...B...B...I...I"  I'm sure this was
doubly informative.

George W1EBI

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Pete Smith
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:48 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Good contact, back to you

At 02:01 PM 2/22/2008, James  Cain wrote:
>Take a look at March 2008 QST, page 73, at the bottom, "How Does it 
>Work?"  "How a QSO ... would sound."
>So much for teaching newbies the right way to make a contest exchange.

Thank god!  Maybe now we can start a new thread.  This cut number whining 
makes even True North sound profound.

My favorite ploy for testing the skill of the other contester - throw in 
some extra characters in each CW contest QSO, and whenever possible, add 

For example 5NN1TT TU ... and for extra credit, run the TU in with the 
power number.

Other fine examples from last weekend --

When S&P, be sure to send your own call before the exchange, even if the 
other station got it right.  Make the other person wonder.

When someone asks you to verify your power, or a serial number  - like 
"5W?" or "1239?" - never, never just send "R" - it's much more fun to 
resend your power or serial number a few times, so he thinks he must have 
miscopied, and so another station will come along and start CQing on the 
frequency while you're sending all that.

Lessee... there must be more favorites out there.

73, Pete N4ZR

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