[CQ-Contest] Good contact, back to you

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 10:18:58 EST 2008

> "QSL, You're 5-9 Connecticut, QSL?"
> No need for "you're" and no need for "QSL."

Agreed, but...the actual case:

> PJ2T: KX9X 59 KW
> KX9X: 59 Connecticut

is too abrupt to be clear to the target audience. Granted, they will learn 
it quickly - and I take pains to encourage newbies to say less - but in 
one's first few contests this is less the issue, than doing it at all.

I would have perhaps noted both the casual (with the "QSL" and all) and the 
actual as a means of compare and contrast, but I don't see this as a huge 
issue. The article was not for the I've-done-this-since-before-birth crowd 
that hangs out here at the exclusive and toney CQ-Contest Bar & Grill.  It 
is for those that might want to TRY contesting.

At least before we jump on them for not being instant experts and drive them 
off :-)

First, introduce and encourage.  Then, educate and guide.  Later, we can 
jump on them for trying to steal our frequencies and beating our score.

73, Ward N0AX

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