[CQ-Contest] "You guys are brutal"

Charles Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Sun Feb 24 13:59:11 EST 2008

On 2/24/2008 kr2q at optonline.net wrote:

> I hesitate to post a "me too" memo, but I agree with KØRC...cut the guy some slack!

> 1.  Directed at Newbies

> 2.  If the newbie is really "into it," don't you think that after a dozen Q's, they'll
> get the idea?  I don't think they would just "read the article" and conclude that
> everybody else is "doing it wrong."  Let's give them some credit for being able to
> observe, think, learn, and adjust.

> If you're willing to turn down your cw speed on day 2 to something agonizingly
> slow, can't you tolerate this?

> Lighten up!

> de Doug KR2Q

And I'll add one thing - Don't like the article?  GREAT!  Write an article about how it's really done, and submit it to QST.  If they are like MOST magazines I've worked with (and I've authored articles in 3-4 magazines - none ham related) they are begging for articles (more than VP6DX is begging right now).

Most hobby (and often, specialized professional magazines - say programming magazines)  are BEGGING for editorial content.  They scrounge and beg previous authors to write.  The pay usually isn't that great (and I won't mention rates, as it's been over a decade since I wrote), and some places don't pay at all, but..

They can't publish what someone doesn't write

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

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