[CQ-Contest] Dumbing-Down Contests?

Alfred Frugoli alfred.frugoli at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 18:24:26 EST 2008


I had a rather eye opening experience this weekend.  I did some listening to
K5ZD audio archives online.  I was amazed at how quick he is to skip over a
station that's not ready for a caller when in S&P mode.  In one clip I
listened to, he moved over about 20kc of phone band (8+stations) without
stopping once, because none of the stations was calling CQ or QRZ at the
time he tuned across.

Maybe there's way to generate your RATE-RATE-RATE and SCORE-SCORE-SCORE
without changing the contest?  Maybe it's changing the operator/operating?

With respect.

73 de Al, KE1FO

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Eric Hilding <b38 at hilding.com> wrote:

> Ron, W3WN, wrote:
> >The ARRL DX Contest Exchange for DX Stations:  It ain't broke... or if
> you
> will, it's not what's broken in the contest.  DON'T FIX IT.
> The problem is that it's BROKEN, and here's why:
> 1.  Contests are now about RATES-RATES-RATES and SCORES-SCORES-SCORES (one
> reason the hardware gets MORE-MORE-MORE).
> 2.  Contests are *supposed* to be for the contesting masses, not just a
> select few elite {cough, cough}.  Therefore.
> 3.  Casual Contesters confronted with BIZARRE cut number creativeness at
> 38WPM simply CLOG UP THE RATE PIPELINE with Unnecessary
> requests, and delay others in-waiting from realizing their RATE-RATE-RATE
> &
> SCORE-SCORE-SCORE Contesting Dreams (even if Fantasies).
> Category power level designators of ONE standard letter vs. umpteen
> end-user
> variations of cut number effluent complies with the Universal
> principle, and will solve this particular problem real quick.
> 73.
> Rick, K6VVA
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