[CQ-Contest] Public access to logs

rt_clay at bellsouth.net rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 29 12:01:14 EST 2008

The DXCC rule in question is

"5. The presentation in any public forum of logs or other representations of station operation showing details of station activity or other information from which all essential QSO elements (time, date, band, mode and callsign) for individual contacts can be derived creates a question as to the integrity of the claimed QSOs with that station during the period encompassed by the log. Presentation of such information in any public forum by the station operator, operators or associated parties is not allowed and may be considered sufficient reason to deny ARRL award credit for contacts with any station for which such presentations have been made. Persistent violation of this provision may result in disqualification from the DXCC program."

It seems to me that CQ Magazine is NOT the station operator, operators, or an associated party, so posting logs they receive from contest entrants will not affect DXCC status at all.


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