[CQ-Contest] AA3B 2007 Recap

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Wed Jan 2 12:31:10 EST 2008

AA3B wrote:
> FWIW, here is a summary of my activity in 2007:
> 2007 Contest Participation: 68
> Contest QSOs:  39004
> Other QSOs:     3333
> Total QSOs:    42337

WOW.  I made 26,000+ contest QSOs in 55 contests this year, 
and I thought that I was keeping busy!  One station that I 
heard in EVERY contest was AA3B (and usually K4BAI also...)
These guys know the REAL SECRET of contesting - getting on 
the air and making QSOs! Congratulations Bud, and HNY to all!


-Kirk  K4RO

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