[CQ-Contest] SO2R Technical Question - Round III - Antennas

Alfred Frugoli ke1fo at arrl.net
Thu Jan 24 22:22:51 EST 2008


I've got a .46 acre lot that is trapezoidal in shape, with the back yard
being smaller than the front.  I have a 30 foot tower with a C3S, a 40/20
parallel dipole at 25 feet and an HF2V, all in the back yard, and mostly out
of sight from the street. The three antennas are basically in a line that
goes ne/sw with the HF2V on the southwestwest end, the dipole in the middle
(runs N/S) and the tower on the northeast end.  You can imagine when things
are worse/better based on where things would be pointed depending on th
econtest/time of day etc.

While I'm no big gun, I definitely can work SO2R with this antenna setup.  I
have two ICE Model 419A filters that frankly, I have not used this year.
15/40 is impossible without the filters, and running high power I need
something more than the filters (some stubs would make things better, but
have not gone there yet).  Otherwise, things seem to work pretty well.  My
main SO2R band combination at this point seems to be 20/40.  This may be
because I can't keep a 20M run going with my dipole, and I can't work
anything (at this point in the solar cycle) on 15 without the C3S.

Good Luck.

73 de Al, KE1FO

On Jan 24, 2008 9:15 AM, Lee Buller <k0wa at swbell.net> wrote:

> Wow....
> I've learned a lot about SO2R installations over the last week.  Thanks
> for all the emails and responses.  Now, here is another questions.....
> Antennas.  I think I have an issue with antennas because of make up of my
> location.  I have a 60 foot tower with a C3E - 80 and 40 meter inverted -V
> dipoles on separate feedlines but at the same height on the tower, a 160
> meter Inverted-L on the tower...and a full size quarter-wave vertical in the
> yard with 32 radials.  I was planning on changing out the vertical for a
> Butternut 6 band model or something similar, but as I was looking at the
> installation the antenna would be very close to both the 160 -80- and 40
> meter antennas....less than 15 feet.  I am on an 80 by 150 foot lot.  (I
> think SO2R is gonna get expensive when I tell the YL we have to move!)  So,
> is it worthwhile to even consider doing SO2R on such a small lot because of
> the proximity of the antennas.  This is a considerable investment....minus
> the new farmstead.
> Lee - K0WA
> "Going to buy a Lottery Ticket...."
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you
> don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you
> can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common
> Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
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