[CQ-Contest] A.R.I.'s HQ in IARU contest

G. La Pàrola, IT9BLB it9blb at infcom.it
Wed Jul 9 08:22:41 EDT 2008

A.R.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, will
be active on next IARU contest with its 12 HQ
stations, located in some of Italian call-areas.
Here is the full list:

10   CW - IU9HQ
15   CW - IU4HQ
20   CW - IU1HQ
40   CW - IU2HQ
80   CW - IU4HQ
160 CW - IU1HQ

10   SSB - IU9HQ
15   SSB - IU5HQ
20   SSB - IU4HQ
40   SSB - IU4HQ
80   SSB - IU4HQ
160 SSB -  IU1HQ

Enjoy the contest and see you on-air!

"Joe", IT9BLB
A.R.I. HF Contest Manager

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