[CQ-Contest] Nice FD Video

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 15:31:13 EDT 2008

Murray VE7HA/7J1AQH sent me a link to this nice FD video at 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9dgQCg3Upk, produced by Thida HS1ASC and the 
gang at the KH6J field day site this year.  Looks pretty swell, huh?

The Maui club's (KH6RS) FD site is also rather idyllic - in a flat grassy 
field between a pineapple field and the blue Pacific.  They put up a big 
rhombic every year pointed at the states and have at it.

73, Ward N0AX 

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