[CQ-Contest] Very Slight Type Corrected- S/O and S/O (A)

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at pclink.com
Wed Jun 4 11:50:27 EDT 2008

Stan, Randy, et. al.,

I would support this style of contest. I enjoy the TBDC.

I propose NOT using "half points" instead giving 3 points for the 40m 
contacts and drop the "Signal Report" exchange. As already debated here, 5NN 
is useless information.

If your intent is to have a more complex exchange, a sequential serial 
number ensures the operator has to copy something unique.

If this contest gained momentum, I'm certain SCP lists for grid squares 
would evolve and turn it into another CQWW style event, other than the 
scoring aspect.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julius Fazekas" <phriendly1 at yahoo.com>
To: "Stan Stockton" <k5go at cox.net>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>; "Jim 
George" <n3bb at mindspring.com>
Cc: "Randy Thompson" <k5zd at charter.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Very Slight Type Corrected- S/O and S/O (A)

> Stan,
> Drop the signal report and add maybe a name or serial
> number instead :o)
> Could be fun!
> 73,
> Julius
> --- Stan Stockton <k5go at cox.net> wrote:
>> > From Randy Thompson:
>> >
>> > "Here is your assignment.  Propose new rule
>> wordings for
>> > single op and single
>> > op assisted that are simple, easily
>> understood/translated
>> > to multiple
>> > languages, will be widely accepted by the contest
>> > community, and makes it
>> > clear what the difference is between assistance
>> and not
>> > assistance. Oh, and
>> > it needs to apply equally for SSB, CW, and RTTY."
>> Perhaps this is something that would have appeal and
>> solve
>> some
>> potential problems.
>> Here is my suggestion - A NEW CONTEST
>> All Band Distance Challenge (ABDC)
>> Mixed Mode, CW Only, Phone Only - One contest, one
>> weekend -
>> 48 hours.
>> Bands - 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10
>> Exchange is Signal Report + Grid Square
>> Points for QSOs based on Distance like TBDC
>> Points x 1 for 20, 15, 10, Points x 2 for 40M,
>> Points x 2.5
>> for 80M, Points x 3 for 160M
>> Multiplier = Countries by band
>> Single Operator, Multi-Single, Multi-Multi
>> Packet Spotting, Skimmer/SDR type spotting, remote
>> receivers, chat rooms,
>> internet communications, Skype, not allowed in any
>> category.
>> Everyone works everyone - points for all QSOs,
>> combines some
>> of the best
>> features of many of the existing contests and should
>> be fair
>> and challenging since
>> the points are based on distance.  A guy in
>> California might
>> get 1.5 times as many points
>> for a contact with Germany as someone in Boston, for
>> example.
>> Stan, K5GO
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> Julius Fazekas
> N2WN
> Tennessee Contest Group
> TnQP http://www.tnqp.org/
> Elecraft K2/100 #3311
> Elecraft K2/100 #4455
> Elecraft K3/100 #366
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