[CQ-Contest] AT6T active as ARSI HQ station for IARU Contest

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 10:51:35 EDT 2008

I received this dispatch from Prasad - it will be great to have an HQ station active from India!  Be sure your logging software is up-to-date and will recognize AT as India and not Antarctic.

73, Ward N0AX

AT6T, India -  On behalf of the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI), Prasad VU2PTT will be active in the IARU Contest using his special call sign AT6T as the HQ station. Look for AT6T giving out the ARSI multiplier on 80-10m CW & SSB during the IARU contest. Prasad has permission to use this callsign from 1st July until end of September 2008 and you may work this special call in other contests as well. As usual, all QSOs will be uploaded to the ARRL Logbook of the World (LoTW) and QSL requests may be made to VU2PTT direct (QRZ.COM) or via the ARSI bureau. Please use a current IRC for direct requests, green stamps have a habit of disappearing in the postal system along with your QSL card. It is also not legal in India to send or receive currency by postal mail, and the recipient can get into trouble.

73 de Prasad VU2PTT, W2PTT 

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