[CQ-Contest] [NCCC] ARRL SSB DX Exchanges

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sun Mar 9 18:03:07 EDT 2008

> Ed, W0YK, wrote:
> >So, Rick, were you as conflicted about 'five nine' and you are about 
> >'kilowatt'?  Did you enter FIVE NINE in your log for the 
> signal report?
> Not at all, because there is only one option for 59 (a/k/a 
> FIVE NINE) in the entry field, and that is 59 which is 
> conveniently prefilled - I don't have to do anything (nor 
> does anyone else).

I thought you were against pre-fill (another one of your threads).  So, you
really don't copy 59 and then type it in your log?

> >Do you really think the DX stations logged CALIFORNIA rather than CA 
> >when
> you
> >gave California in your exchange?
> Unlike the K, KW, KILO, et.al. INconsistencies, CA is the 
> only acceptable option or I'd almost be willing to bet $$$ 
> that the robot would nuke the Q if they tried CF, CFNA, etc.

How are CA and CALIFORNIA more "consistent" than K and KILOWATT?  Why can't
you simply accept different ways of saying the same thing and log what is
acceptable to the contest, the robot and the log checkers?

> It is the principle involved here - the lack of consistency 
> in a world which frowns on busted calls, dupes and the like, 
> but thrives on rate & score - which is why I also pointed out 
> that using 4 syllables (KILOWATT) instead of
> 1 (K)is a waste of on-air time.

If the robot accepts all these variations of 1000 watts, might that be a

And, if the robot and the contest rules were to only accept the number
'1000', what is the problem with the various ways of expressing that in the
exchange (just like speaking "CALIFORNIA" and logging "CA")?  I copy '5NN'
from you in contests all the time and assume you mean '599'.  How is that
behavior by yourself "consistent" with your rant here?

Ed - W0YK

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