[CQ-Contest] Contesting using remote stations

Gerry Hull gerry at w1ve.com
Tue Mar 18 09:43:01 EDT 2008

These are very interesting discussions!

On the (technical) possibility of  Sable and St. Paul remoting:

(I've operated from both)

St Paul:  No (useful) infrastructure at all.   If one was to build a remote
site there, it would have to be solar or wind powered.
However, broadband links to the NS coast are very practical.

Sable:  Sable has permanent infrastructure.   Their is a weather station on
the island that does high-altitude balloon
measurements almost every day.    There is power and a telecom
infrastructure.   The Bedford Institute of Oceanography has a house on the
island, and this is where several DXPeditions have operated from.  (I was
part of an operation the mid 80s, where we both DX'd and contested (CY0SAB;
The QSL with the seal on the card)).

Getting around the technical issues is certainly possible -- however, there
are lots of other challenges, not the least of which is ensuring the DX
community would ratify such remote activity for DXCC credit.

Imagine -- you've been an avid DXer or contester for years, but never had
the opportunity to operate from a remote location.  What a blast to do such
an operation from your shack chair!

On latency:

I use VOIP every day.   I find the IP latency is less than 150ms (worst
case), and often less than 25-30ms.  (My end is Verizon DSL).   Most of the
overall latency is introduced by codecs.   There are some pretty good
low-latency codecs around, and even a (freeware) tool to interface them to
ham radio (IPSOUND).   Yes, over VOIP circuits using standard codecs, you
are going to have latencies approaching 100-400ms, not acceptable for
contest CW.   However, there are ways around these issues.

I know of a bunch of major initiatives going on for remote stations @ DX
locations.   Lets hope that contest and (hopefully) DXCC rules will keep
pace.    DXpeditions will never stop, but I think you will start to see a
trend towards remote operation across country boundries.

73, Gerry W1VE

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