[CQ-Contest] Open logs in 2008 Russian DX Contest

Val val at vip.bg
Tue Mar 18 17:00:47 EDT 2008

I'm sorry for hitting the send key before signing the message.
Nevertheless you are claiming something without submitting any evidence. The
results of the last phone WPX (2007) are available online. Could we see your
numbers for 2006?

73, Val LZ1VB

> >> How about the fact that number of submitted logs (and therefore number
>>>of participants) in RDXC is greater then in WPX and a way more then in
> >>
> > Actually the facts are opposite:
> > CQWPX 2007 Phone - 3076 logs
> > RDXC 2007 - 3060 logs
> I did not have access to WPX2007 statistics so my assumption is based on
> 2006 statistics when RDXC was ahead of WPX.
> ......................................................
> 73, Igor UA9CDC

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