[CQ-Contest] invitation to BCC-QSO-Parties 2008

Irina Stieber dl8dyl at gmx.de
Thu Mar 20 03:53:46 EDT 2008

Dear fellow contester,

to celebrate its quarter-century anniversary, the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) invites amateurs around the world to participate in its three QSO-Parties taking place on the 25th of the third month of each quarter 2008.

The first party starts in SSB and CW from 160 m to 40 m next tuesday at 18 UTC.

The detailed rules can be found at our site:

Please notice: There will be a prize raffled off to all participants, so everyone has a chance to win a prize!

Lets have fun! See you next tuesday...

73, Irina Stieber, DL8DYL

BCC Public Relations Manager

Irina Stieber, DL8DYL
Schelsstr. 23b     
D-01108 Dresden
Tel.: ++49 174 99 16 910 


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