[CQ-Contest] Change WPX Hours

Albert Crespo f5vhj at orange.fr
Fri Mar 21 17:32:24 EDT 2008

1. Reduce the hours to 30 means less stations on the air. This is good? Who are you contesting with if stations must reduce the maximum number of hours by 17%?
2. Strategy- If the hours are less,  my strategy from Martinique would be to work Europe  as much as possible and ignore North America.
In the ARRL Phone DX contest just this month, many big gun West Coast stations worked just a  few dozen European stations. The West Coast would even have less stations to work if us in the Caribbean ignored them because we have to spend every available minute to work Europe.
3. The vast majority of the stations I work have less then 100 contacts in the contest. They would even have less if stations are forced to stay off the air. This just discourages contesting and the causal opeator will just turn off his radio.
4. The causal operator is the mass that contesting need to nurture, and having less stations on just does not accomplish that.
 73, Albert

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