[CQ-Contest] Re; Skimmer Ultimate Setup

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 11:30:06 EDT 2008

Bill Parry wrote:
> My concern is not whether a person has the right to operate a remote station
> in a contest. My concern is that if a person can do this, they can easily
> extend that technology to having multiple receiving sites. (I know that this
> is already clearly outside the rules.) I don't need a license to locate
> remote receiving antennas in other countries. I would certainly have a
> distinct advantage if I had receiving antennas in propagation favorable
> locations to Europe and Japan. (I can certainly see a big multi adding a few
> of these to their arsenal.) Just like the "skimmer", how would you catch
> something like that! 

The debate about remote stations is completely different than the debate about 
remote receivers. Although it is clearly against the rules, I'm afraid that 
remote receivers are already being used in contests. Put yourself in the shoes 
of a station with questionable ethics. You have little (or no) room for 
beverages. If you do put up beverages, there is a significant chance they would 
get stolen, with copper at $3.50/pound. It is easy to set up an 
internet-accessible receiver, with the help of a few friends. The chances of 
being caught are close to zero. Hmmmm....

> I have basically decided in my mind (such that it is) that operating a
> remote station in a contest doesn't seem like such a problem. I guess that
> if something goes wrong at the remote location then you are off the air. 

Depends on what goes wrong. There's lots of technology out there that supports a 
"remote reboot" capability.

> If
> you had someone at the remote location to reset the amp, unstick the
> rotator, reset the circuit breaker, etc, you would have to identify yourself
> as multi!

Really ? How is this any different than having someone fix your broken equipment 
during a contest ? There are several well-known and respected contesters who 
operate single-op, but have helpers (both paid and unpaid) to maintain their 
stations during a contest.

Steve, N2IC

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