[CQ-Contest] How many more creative subjects using "skimmer" are there?

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Thu May 1 18:04:48 EDT 2008

Oh sure.  1 hour.  One lousy hour.

I pity the poor multi-multi station owner/operators who didn't invest in a
network configuration, who kept separate computers for each band/station,
who have one hour to merge their logs, make sure the merge is correct, and
send it in... and goodness help them if their m/m station is out in an area
(and there are still plenty of them) without high-speed internet and/or
cellular telephone access.

Heaven forbid they should get a few minutes to stretch, maybe grab a bite,
rest a little... nope!  One hour, that's all, or throw away that competitive
contest entry.

We should be encouraging people to enter contests, and to join multi-op
stations to hone their skills.  Not look for more ways to discourage them,
all because someone is too impatient to wait an extra few weeks for the
contest results... or so untrusting of everyone else that they assume no one
has any personal honor.


I see the contest station of the future must have high-speed internet
access, high speed computers, the latest software, a skimmer or two,
streaming video feed, capability for audio & video recording of the entire
contest period (in color and stereo too, while you're at it)... why not a
satellite link while you're at it?... all before even talking about the
radio(s), the antenna(s), and the operator(s)... or you can forget about
even trying to be competitive.  Am I the only one that thinks that this is

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Barry
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 3:26 PM
To: Julius Fazekas
Cc: Tree; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] How many more creative subjects using
"skimmer" are there?

Simple solution, which I've advocated before.  Logs (at least
"competitive" logs) should be sent in by 0100Z, one hour after the end
of the contest.  Exceptions for DXpeditions and others on an individual
basis.  If you're using unreliable or outdated software requiring
merging/massaging of logs, etc., too bad.  That's part of contest
preparation.  It's no different than if something else breaks and you
have to fix it during the contest.
Barry W2UP

Julius Fazekas wrote:
> Tree,
> Somehow I can just picture your eyes alight in ecstasy
> over the possibilities of skimmer log checking...
> It will solve some problems and maybe create new ones.
> What would prevent someone from going back and
> changing their log based on the recording of the
> contest?
> Could you listen to the recording during breaks and
> change your log?
> Could these audio files be doctored to include uniques
> that aren't real?
> "Could" is most likely not the right word ;o)
> Anyway, think you get my drift. Just something else to
> ponder and maybe a design consideration for this type
> software. Maybe some sort of time lock could be
> incorporated to limit access until after the submittal
> period? Then how would computer crashes or "gaps in
> the tape" situations be adjudicated?
> Ahhhh, the sweet smell of technology!
> 73,
> Julius
> Julius Fazekas
> N2WN
> Tennessee Contest Group
> TnQP http://www.tnqp.org/
> Elecraft K2/100 #3311
> Elecraft K2/100 #4455
> Elecraft K3/100 #366
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