[CQ-Contest] Repeating an idea from the 7QP soapbox...

Mike Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Thu May 8 15:23:20 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 00:21 -0400, hank k8dd wrote:
> That is almost logical enough that it could work!
> And use one standard county list - The MARAC list is probably the 'standard'
> because they were probably around before a lot of the state QSO Parties!

PAQSO was started in 1957 when yours truly was a wee lad of three. MARAC
was organized in 1970.

> RST, ST:county is probably the nicest format.  Or just use RST, Number,
> ST:county
> for the ones who have to use a number rather than an RST!

What about the sections? Florida has NFL, SFL, WCF, California has a
gazillion sections. We have an award for all of them.

I won't implement RST it is a useless exchange. Serial number means
something, and can be checked, and more importantly incorrect serial
numbers can be enforced as a busted call.

Our exchange is and will be Call, serial, county or section.

	- 73 de Mike N3LI -

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