[CQ-Contest] Dayton PileUp Winner

Marijan Miletic s56a at bit.si
Mon May 19 03:01:20 EDT 2008

N6TR wrote: Technically - the skimmer should still get almost the same
31 it got before - maybe losing a few calls that were too close to each
other in frequency.
I had some 80% DSP CW pile-up decoding in 1990s with 64 x 50 Hz comb but ear
is more selective.
The brain wouldn't take 5-6 calls in 10 seconds mele of 100 callsigns!  It
took more time even to W9WNV.
I am glad to see ARRL emphasis on technology while contesters whine on
inevitable Skimmer SDR progress.
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU


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