[CQ-Contest] SS SSB And Your Callsign In The Exchange

John Brosnahan -- W0UN shr at swtexas.net
Mon Nov 17 16:03:36 EST 2008

>As for repeating the call in the report, it does seem unnecessary.

While it may seem unnecessary from your perspective, if it is in the 
rules then you operate accordingly, or run the risk of being 
disqualified.  You may protest the rule by not following the rule, 
but to arbitrarily decide that the rule doesn't really apply to you 
puts you at some risk for disqualification.

If I feel a 55 mph speed limit is inappropriate for a particular 
road, I can choose to lobby the governing body to change the law.  Or 
I can just exceed the speed limit in protest and hope that the state 
troopers will see my act as a legal form of protest rather than just 
breaking the speed limit.  Fat chance!

Everyone who chooses to ignore the exchange rule has an unfair 
advantage over those who follow the rules.  That would certainly 
cheapen the victory of anyone who did not follow this (or any other) rule.

If I were in a battle with someone who chose not to follow the rules 
then I would certainly protest any claim they might have on a 
victory.  If the call sign part takes 3 seconds and you make 2000 
QSOs then that is a total of 6000 seconds or a 100 minute advantage 
over someone who follows the rules.

If you don't want the call sign in the exchange then petition the 
ARRL to change the rules.   Anything else is an unfair advantage and 
on a par with cheating.

John  W0UN

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