[CQ-Contest] Another Year of SS Disections

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Wed Nov 19 18:33:46 EST 2008

I was gonna start a new one. The rules specify a sequential serial number 
but don't specify that you have to start with #1.  Why not start the 
contest off with # 1100?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, K3MQ - Bob Johnson wrote:

> Amen,  Ed.
> I really expected the "dead horse" this year to be the same as the last few
> years (dare I say it) - the check year. Thank God for small favors. Maybe
> the check issue got moved to its own reflector.
> C'mon guys, the rules are the rules. The same exchange has been used for
> decades. Deal with it, and HAVE FUN!
> Bob - K3MQ

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