[CQ-Contest] [CQ-contest] Vote now!!

Bill Feidt bill at ng3k.com
Thu Nov 20 07:59:38 EST 2008

Tree wrote:

> If I am WP3R and have a 
> pileup of guys calling me - there is still a chance the pileup might spill
> over onto a frequency that someone that I can't hear is running guys (like
> maybe a KP2).  Having the people calling me sending "WP3R" at the start
> of their exchange would be very useful to make sure I haven't wandered off
> into someone else's frequency.

Yes, this occurred to me later after I had already sent the message.

I guess the bottom line is that if the S&P station consistently sends the 
running station's call sign he's going to make one set of runners unhappy to 
some degree.  If he consistently doesn't follow this practice he makes another 
set of runners unhappy to some degree.  But in the second case, it's the run 
operator who will be penalized if there's a "who's working whom" breakdown, not 
the S&P operator.

> I guess I really don't see a situation where it doesn't add value.  The
> only situation might be if I am the ONLY signal on the band - like could
> happen to WP3R on 10 meters or something.

Even then, how would you know that another station within you dead zone hadn't 
come up near you and started calling CQ?

Ultimately, I'm sure KD4D is correct in that his rate would be impacted if a 
significant segment of S&Pers adopted this practice.  But, as long as S&Pers 
were consistent in their practice, at least, theoretically, all run stations 
would be impacted equally.



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