[CQ-Contest] Contesting tips?

David Kozinn, K2DBK dkozinn at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 00:02:50 EDT 2008

Take a look at K9JY's 30 contesting tips:

Even if you've seen it before it's worth taking another look.

     David, K2DBK

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Rick Kiessig <kiessig at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good source of tips for contesting strategies?  It's
> still new to me, so I'm trying to work my way up the learning curve (on the
> SSB side).
> I'm looking for things like details on how to best make use of a second VFO,
> strategies for switching between running and S&P, if/how/when to pick up
> QSOs for stations not participating in the contest (when allowed, of
> course), how to best leverage spots, when to submit a spot and when not to,
> pileup management (on both sides), radio management (transmit bandwidth,
> memories, voice recording, etc), and so on.
> Thanks,
> Rick, ZL2HAM
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