[CQ-Contest] Work Plan for CQ WW DX

Tim Holmes w8tahradio at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 09:22:20 EDT 2008

Good Morning All:

I am beginning the process of preparing for the CQ WW DX and was ready
to begin digging through the propagation forecasts in CQ when i
discovered that my local library does not have the magazine in their
holdings.  and our local ham store is gone -- which leaves the nearest
location i can get a copy around an hour drive away - -and believe me
-- in these days of 3.00 a gallon gas im not driving that far.  So i
wonder is there free / open source / etc software out there or net
resources that can be used to generate my work plan for the contest?
any and all ideas/ suggestions are most welcome


Tim Holmes
W8TAH - Amateur Extra Operator
Medina County AEC
Skywarn Advanced Storm Spotter Certified
Certified Severe Weather Specialist
StormNet Chase 9

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