[CQ-Contest] Work Plan for CQ WW DX

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 11:24:58 EDT 2008

I'll agree with Tom on this one, and add a few details...

With the solar cycle unchanged from last October, using logs from the 2007 CQWW 
to plan your strategy seems like a fine idea.

In your case, Tim, first look at the results to see who did well in your area. 
Unfortunately, this isn't as easy as it sounds, since the on-line results at 
http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/cqwwhome.html do not have the line scores (: . 
However, the on-line results do list the top scores in USA Zone 4, where you 
live, showing W9RE on top. Indiana is pretty close to your QTH, so that would be 
a good log to use to plan your strategy.

Now, download W9RE's log from http://www.cqww.com/ssblogs/w9re/ .

Study Mike's log. When did he operate on each band, and what was he working on 
those bands at those times ?  Write down some notes. For example, looking at 
Mike's log in the first hour, I would note the following:

00Z-01Z: Started on 20 - almost all USA QSO's - not productive. Picked off South 
American and Pacific multipliers on 15. Went to 40 meters - worked Europe, 
Carribean and Africa.

Do the same thing for each hour of the contest.

Now, use this information to create a chart for your situation. For each hour of 
the contest, write down what bands you should be on, and what you should be 
trying to work on each band at that time.

Don't get discouraged if your score is nowheres near W9RE. Mike has a super 
station, and decades of experience behind him. However, as I'm sure most 
contesters will tell you, today's top scorers honed their skills by operating 
countless contests using poor antennas and equipment.

Good luck !

Steve, N2IC

Tom Haavisto wrote:
> Hi Tim
> Not sure what information you are looking for.  I am using last years
> plan as a starting point, and with the help of open logs (VERY
> helpful), I was able to come up with an operating plan for myself.
> Have not seen any propagation predictions yet, but I figure something
> will be posted before the contest.
> Just wrapping up my antenna work for another season, so I think we are
> getting close :-)
> Tom - VE3CX
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Tim Holmes <w8tahradio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Good Morning All:
>> I am beginning the process of preparing for the CQ WW DX and was ready
>> to begin digging through the propagation forecasts in CQ when i
>> discovered that my local library does not have the magazine in their
>> holdings.  and our local ham store is gone -- which leaves the nearest
>> location i can get a copy around an hour drive away - -and believe me
>> -- in these days of 3.00 a gallon gas im not driving that far.  So i
>> wonder is there free / open source / etc software out there or net
>> resources that can be used to generate my work plan for the contest?
>> any and all ideas/ suggestions are most welcome
>> TIM
>> --
>> Tim Holmes
>> W8TAH - Amateur Extra Operator
>> Medina County AEC
>> Skywarn Advanced Storm Spotter Certified
>> Certified Severe Weather Specialist
>> StormNet Chase 9
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