[CQ-Contest] Announcing 2009 CQWW 160 contest

ALANNOTTAGE at aol.com ALANNOTTAGE at aol.com
Fri Oct 17 09:59:39 EDT 2008

In a message dated 17/10/08 13:14:18 GMT Daylight Time, k1ttt at arrl.net 

> Hold up the sea gull on the corner?

Hmmm, how about a little birdwatching then?  Great daylight hobby.  Bit like 
dx'ing - even 'cluster' etc hi!!  Probably see more species than q's in same 
period.  You could even make a competion out of it :>)  Not ideal in built-up 
areas.  Bino toters would likely get arrested :>)  Probably great around the 
K1TTT ranch though...   




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