[CQ-Contest] WP3C will be QRT for some time...

Alfredo Vélez WP3C wp3c at usa.com
Sun Oct 19 16:48:45 EDT 2008

Greetings Friends

I’ll be QRT because I’m making my new station which will be on air soon,
the construction of my new house is finished so, now its time to build
the station, it is over 2,000 of sea level and there I’ll put new
antennas, towers, radios, amplifiers, coax cable, etc.

I’ll be making it SO2R & M/S, I have almost ready the stuff to the
station (antennas, band decoders, towers, amplifiers, etc.) I just need
few more things and I hope to have ready for 2009!

When it is ready I will let you know and if someone is interested in
operate some contest from PR just let me know to use my station, WP3C
comes stronger in 2009!

Any donation for the station is well received
 Thanks and till the next
contest! 73’


 Att Alfredo Velez WP3C

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