[CQ-Contest] RAC Winter Contest - Results 2007, Rules 2008 Posted to RAC Website

Bart Ritchie (VE5CPU) ve5cpu at imagewireless.ca
Wed Oct 22 10:53:24 EDT 2008

Hi Sam

I think you intended to send this to the contest lists Canada Contest 
(canada_contest at narc.net), but you only sent it to the Canada Winter 
contest ID.

I would also send it to the CQ-Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com> 
list to pickup on some of the US and DX folks who participated.

At 06:52 PM 10/21/2008, you wrote:
>As the subject line indicates, the Canada Winter Contest 2007 
>results and the 2008 rules have been posted at:
>There are no changes to the rules for the 2008 winter contest other 
>than the contest date - which for this year is Dec 27, 2008.
>Sam Ferris, VE5SF
>Canada Winter Contest Manager

73, Bart - VE5CPU
Bart Ritchie, Pilot Butte, SK

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