[CQ-Contest] European sigs to W9

David Rollitt david at g3xyp.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Oct 28 03:27:28 EDT 2008

Hi Guys

It might be a case of location, location, location. With no sunspots the HF
bands are down but this years CQWW was
quite exciting over here. I just cherry pick admittedly and don't call CQ so
no runs. But, if it's DX you want it was there.

I managed a good few DX Q's Asia, Cent Am, lots of Caribbean on both 15 and
20m and  the best would be VU7 on 15m. A lot of DX, not heard previously
this year and lots of good signals for a change on 15m. The 20m opening to
the USA was amazingly noisy, I
spent a while listening to a few guys calling CQ, there was a signal every
couple of kHz it seems. A lots of US signals were 9 plus for long periods.

Lets look forward to sunspots soon!! Maybe get the dancers out? But then
will there be enough space for us all!!

73 David G3XYP

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <KI9A at aol.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] European sigs to W9

> I just made pass thru 20 meters, and made a few notes of signal
> Obviously not scientific!
> Rig ICOM 756 PRO3, AGC set slow. No preamp on, 2.4 filter
> Ant Cushcraft A3 tribander at 25'
> 1330 Z  ( 8:30am local) in Belleville, IL
> RW1AC 59+20 loudest on the band
> ER0WW +15
> DR1A +15
> RK2FWA +10
> LY5R +10
> S56M +10 must have had bad rx freq  had at least 5 calling, did not  hear
> of them
> OK4U +10
> OH5Z +10
> OH4A +10
> RK3DZB +5
> ES5TV +5
> RL3A +5
> IR2C +5
> SO0Q 59
> DR5Z 59
> GI5K 59
> SM6U 58
> YT1BB 58
> IO2L 58
> Just an idea of what the loudest European stations sound like, in
> Illinois, on 20, at the bottom of the solar cycle, with a low tribander!
> condx today seem very good!!
> 73- Chuck KI9A
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