[CQ-Contest] CQWW 10 minutes M/S rule
Robert Naumann
w5ov at w5ov.com
Wed Oct 29 20:06:46 EDT 2008
Just to clarify a bit further, in the case of the CQWW SSB and CW contests
that KR2Q was discussing, the allowance for a second station that can work
multipliers-only is unique. This rule allows for two stations to be active
at the same time, but the second one is restricted to working only new
multipliers. ARRL contests, in contrast, do not allow for a second
multiplier station in multi-single.
David's understanding is correct of the point of there being two timers. The
two stations each have their own independent 10 minute timers. This means
that your main station (that is working anyone - multipliers or not) has to
remain on a band for at least 10 minutes before changing to another band.
The multiplier-only station also has to remain on whatever band it is on for
10 minutes also.
See KR2Q's original message below for more detail about how the independent
10 minute timers work.
Bob W5OV
-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Kenneth E. Harker
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:35 PM
To: David Wilburn
Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWW 10 minutes M/S rule
Without a time-limit or a band-change restriction, it would be
effectively impossible for a log checker to distinguish between a
multi-single and a multi-multi station. The station could operate
multi-multi, submit their log as multi-single, and if questioned
by the log checkers argue that their one radio (ahem) just changes
bands really, really quickly.
The rule is to make sure that real multi-single stations are
not having to compete against stations that are behaving like
multi-multi stations.
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 01:45:30PM -0400, David Wilburn wrote:
> I'm new to contesting, can someone help me understand the point of a
> 10 minute rule? I don't quite see why it makes a difference if a
> station that has multiple operators, but only one transmitter can only
> switch bands at certain times.
> Because of the second rule, it is implied that they are actually using
> two transmitters, but only one can transmit at a time. But it seems
> like the second rule says the two transmitters each have their own timers.
> Ok, I'm just getting more confused. I am trying to understand how the
> pieces fit together. My wife and middle son are Techs, and I wanted
> to do a M/S at some point. Just trying to understand the point of the
> rule.
> David Wilburn
> NM4M
> kr2q at optimum.net wrote:
> > The CQWW DX Rule:
> > Single Transmitter (MS): Only one transmitter and one band permitted
> > any 10-minute period.
> > Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during any 10-minute
period if-and
> > only if-the station worked is a new multiplier. Ten-minute periods are
defined as starting with
> > the first logged QSO on a band.
> >
> > So if - "1st QSO on 160m logged at 03.12," you count how many minutes
you must be on
> > the band:
> >
> > 0312 = 1
> > 0313 = 2
> > 0314 = 3
> > 0315 = 4
> > 0316 = 5
> > 0317 = 6
> > 0318 = 7
> > 0319 = 8
> > 0320 = 9
> > 0321 = 10
> >
> > You may initiate a "new band" QSO after the 10 minute duration. Your
"required" time
> > on 160 (in your example) ends when minute 0321 is completed.
Therefore, you may
> > QSY to another band an initiate another QSO starting at 0322. Then you
have stay
> > on that "new" band for a DURATION of at least 10 minutes.
> >
> > PLEASE NOTE that the clock STARTS with the FIRST QSO. So if you QSY'ed
at 0322, but did
> > not make a QSO until 0325, then you must STAY on the "new" band through
and including
> > minute 0334. In this example, your next "different band" QSO cannot
start until 0335.
> >
> > Finally, please note that there are two separate 10 minute rules: one
for the runner and one
> > for the multiplier station. And, of course, you may stay on the band
(runner or multiplier or both)
> > for MORE than 10 minutes duration if you want to.
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> > de Doug KR2Q
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Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com
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