[CQ-Contest] CW Sweepstakes Then and Now (Long)

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Wed Oct 29 20:31:30 EDT 2008

Three things to consider about the SS in 1958:

1.   You had to pick the best 40 hours out of a total of 73.

2.    CW and phone ran at the same time so you had to pick your mode.

3.    There was a QSO multipier of 1.5 on phone and 1.25 on CW for running 
150 watts input or less.  Virtually everybody ran low power (or said they 

Plus phone meant AM for 99% of the phone gang.  Don, K2AAA (Mr. Eldico) was 
the main advocate of SSB.

Dave K4JRB 

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