[CQ-Contest] How do you get better?

Alfred Frugoli ke1fo at arrl.net
Fri Oct 31 15:56:11 EDT 2008

I would also agree, and point out that waiting doesn't always have to do
with "the other radio" and an operator that's not ready for "prime time".
Maybe the call processing takes some time.  Maybe checking for dupe?  Maybe
turning an antenna?  Maybe somebody just trying to have fun in a contest?
Maybe making a correction to the last qso?  Maybe trying to hear another
call in the pileup?

Back to the main topic though, I would agree that "data analysis" can go a
long way in improving contest fun and scores.  I've learned a lot from
pouring over large MM logs (such as K1TTT) or operating at one.  It has
taught me a whole lot about propagation and band openings, since if the band
is open, a big MM is probably working stuff.

I would also agree that running lower power is a huge help in improving S&P
skills.  I don't have a huge station (low tribander and wires), but I feel
very successful at getting through pileups based on the skills with timing
and how to send my call that I've learned running a less than top notch

In the end, let's all have fun - especially this weekend in SSCW.

73 de Al, KE1FO from beautiful Vermont

Visit my amateur radio contesting blog at ke1fo.wordpress.com.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 2:47 PM, <ve4xt at mts.net> wrote:

> With all due respect, Shelby, I think this is incredibly narrow-minded.
> At its word, your suggestion would bar anyone who is less than perfect from
> any contest, since we are
> ALL using contests to get better at what we do.
> Where else can you practice some of this stuff?
> Why is the inconvenience of waiting for someone to sort out SO2R issues any
> more significant than the
> "inconvenience" of waiting for someone with a Check of 08 to sort out an SS
> exchange?
> We should celebrate people attempting to improve. That's the ham spirit.
> Pooh-poohing people will
> only drive them away.
> 73, kelly
> ve4xt
> >
> > From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww at arrl.net>
> > Date: 2008/10/31 Fri PM 01:03:34 CDT
> > To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> > Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] How do you get better?
> >
> > Randy Thompson K5ZD wrote: "Work RTTY contests to learn SO2R skills.  In
> > RTTY, the computer is doing the brain work and the QSOs have a fairly
> > consistent timing and pattern.
> > This frees you to practice the keyboarding skills of jumping between the
> two
> > logging windows.  For even higher level of practice, try running on two
> > bands at the same time (while never transmitting on two bands at once).
>  The
> > goal is to do it so smoothly that no one listening can tell what you are
> > doing!"
> >
> > Using any contest, to improve ones skills, at the inconvenience of
> another
> > participant, IMHO, is  inconsiderate! I cannot count the number of lost
> > contacts, both for me, and the station I was calling, because they chose
> to
> > make me wait, while they were completing a contact on their other radio.
> > This is especially true with RTTY, as the exchange(s) usually take longer
> > than any other mode? If you're calling CQ, you should be ready to answer
> > any/all callers, not make them wait? When the aforementioned goal is
> > attained, then, and only then is one completely ready for SO2R operation?
> >
> > C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
> >
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> > CQ-Contest mailing list
> > CQ-Contest at contesting.com
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