[CQ-Contest] WW CW Results

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Sat Sep 6 14:03:58 EDT 2008

The results for the CQ WW CW 2007 contest are out in the September issue of
CQ Magazine.  I thought the write up was one of the better ones, but there
were two interesting things I noticed.

#1 - There was no commentary about single band scores.  There was a real
battle for the World high on 160m between CN2FF and CN2R.  40m, 20m, and 15m
also had pretty competitive races for the top spot.

#2 - The table of band breakdowns for the single ops included both single op
and single assisted scores.  This is great for the SOA guys as they haven't
ever had their own table.  Takes away a bit from the guys who were near the
bottom of the single op Top Ten who got bumped by the additional SOA scores.

One thing it makes obvious.  The single ops are beating the SOA scores
pretty convincingly.  Looking at the breakdowns, it appears that assistance
is a definite help for mults, but not so much for QSOs.  At the top levels
of CQWW, its always about the QSOs for making a big score.

On a personal note, the team entry I had submitted was left out of the team
contesting results.  Friends of P5il (a reference to what it sounded like
when N6ZZ sent his name in the CW Sprint) would have ended up with over 17
million points and placed 5th.

Team members and scores:
K5ZD  	6,399,360
K1DG  	5,001,120
XE2GG (N6AN)    <<- score did not appear in magazine
N2IC 	3,838,352
K6NA 	1,894,742

Even with these nits, it was a great job by the WW Committee.  Hard to
imagine what it must be like to receive around 5000 logs per mode and handle
all the details.

Randy, K5ZD

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