[CQ-Contest] Writelog vs. N1MM

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Sun Sep 7 11:09:23 EDT 2008

At 08:56 PM 9/5/2008, Dick Green WC1M wrote:
>...In the end, it looks like the SO2R switching doesn't quite work the way as
>in Writelog. I want the repeating CQ to restart after sending each message
>to the second radio. Instead, once I started a QSO on the second radio,
>CQing stopped. There's probably a configuration parameter for that, but I
>didn't have another half hour to find it. Also, with no audio switch box, I
>had no idea what N1MM was doing with the audio during the CQs and QSOs,
>which is critical. Writelog does some very specific things in this area that
>I've come to depend on (some of which I personally lobbied W5XD to

Dick, this is pretty easy to make happen in MM.  For example, if you want 
to resume CQ on your run radio immediately after calling someone on your 
S&P radio, you do that by defining the S&P F4 key as "*{CTRLF1}".  That 
sends your call and then sends the CQ key on the other radio.  Similar 
options exist for all the function keys.  The Macros chapter in the manual 
is your best place for exploring the possibilities.

I agree with you that the SO2R chapter in the manual probably needs to be 
revised in the light of all the added features for SO2R over the last two 
years.  Take a look at the SO2R sub-menu under the Config menu to see what 
I mean.

You mention that N1MM confounded you by not supporting the W5XD+ keyer.  As 
far as I know, nobody but Writelog supports that keyer, and the Winkey 
today is a much simpler and more cost-effective solution.

I agree with you about the features horse-race.  From my perspective, the 
things that make N1MM my program of choice are pretty simple:

*  the evolution of TR Log's modal capability and keystroke-saving 
ergonomics into N1MM's Enter Sends Messages mode

*  the total symmetry of N1MM's SO2R user interface, which adds great 
flexibility and customizability.

*  the terrific support from the developers and ~3000 reflector members.

73, Pete N4ZR

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