[CQ-Contest] New ARRL Benefit and a Contesting Challenge

Michael Keane K1MK k1mk at alum.mit.edu
Tue Sep 9 18:30:27 EDT 2008

On 9/9/2008 2:26 PM, Steve London wrote:
> Check this out:
> http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/09/09/10322/
> I would love to see nominations for the 20 best contest-related QST articles of
> all time....
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC

My  nominee for best contest-related article is "Beat PVRC" by John 
Troster W6ISQ from Nov 1971 QST p.56 

My nominee for best contest results write-up is "Results: 1976 ARRL 
International DX Competition" by  Jim Cain WA1STN (K1TN) dfrom Oct 1976 
QST p. 79 <http://p1k.arrl.org/cgi-bin/topdf.cgi?id=68563&pub=qst>

Mike K1MK

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