[CQ-Contest] QCWA QSO Party this week-end - Open to everyone

Pat Hoppe phoppe at wi.rr.com
Fri Apr 3 10:59:28 PDT 2009

If you have some time this week-end, join us in the QCWA QSO Party.  You 
don't have to be a QCWA member to participate.  Chapter 162 will put 
W2MM on the air.  We will have stations on SSB, CW, and PSK.  The rules 
for the contest are listed below.

I hope you can join us in the fun.
Big Bend, WI

*Rules for the 53rd Annual Spring & Fall QCWA QSO Party*
All licensed Radio Amateurs world wide are invited to participate in the 
QCWA QSO Parties.
*Time/Dates:* The Spring QSO party commences on April 4, 2009 and the 
Fall Party on September 19, 2009
They start at *1800Z* and run for a *period of 24 Hours*. CW, Phone, and 
digital modes may be used.

	*Frequencies: *The following 10 Bands may be used:
*160:* 	1.800 - 2.000 	* 20:* 	14.000 - 14.350 	* 6:* 	50.000 -   
54.000 	*UHF:* 	above 420 Mhz
* 80:* 	3.500 - 4.000 	* 15:* 	21.000 - 21.450 	*144:* 	144.000 - 148.000
* 40:* 	7.000 - 7.300 	* 10:* 	28.000 - 29.700 	*220:* 	222.000 - 225.000

No contacts are permitted on the 10, 18 and 24 Mhz. bands, nor are 
Crossband or Repeater Contacts allowed.

*Suggested Starting Frequencies:* 	

Summary paragraph-Please include with log.
*QSO's                          CONTACT POINTS*
CW (Digital)            X 2    __________________
Phone Contacts          X 1    __________________
Total Contact Points           __________________(A)
Multipliers                    __________________(B)
Total Score  (A x B)    =      __________________
*Category  CW/Digital (  )   Phone (  )  Mixed (  )*

Phone:* 	1.810
1.845 	3.540
3.810 	7.035
7.244 	14.040
14.262 	21.050
21.365 	28.050
*Calling (CW or Phone):* /CQ QCWA/

*Information Exchange:* Call / Year / Name / Chapter, State, Prov. or 
Country /. Fill all Columns on the the Log Form. For the "year" column, 
indicate the last 2 digits of the year the contacted operator was first 
licensed. If that station does *not* belong to a QCWA chapter show only 
the State, Province or Country of its location. The latter would apply 
to Non QCWA members as well as to QCWA members not affiliated with a 
local chapter. *Do Not mention the term "At Large"(AL) as was done 
several years ago, as this can be confused with AL for Alabama.* For 
Band info, simply indicate one of the above 10 Bands in the "band" 
column. Digitally produced logs should supply the same information as is 
in the published log.

*Categories:* You may choose to work all modes (*MIXED*) or only 
(*PHONE*) or only (*CW/DIGITAL*). Certificates will be issued for each 
Category of "CW/digital", "Phone", or "Mixed"

*Scoring:* Each Phone QSO is worth *one contact point*. Each CW QSO or a 
Digital Mode QSO such as RTTY, PSK31, MFSK etc. is worth *2 contact 
points* (show 2 points in the QSO "Pts" Column on the Log). Any station 
may be contacted once per mode per band. CW is considered a digital mode 
so a station contacted both on cw and a digital mode on the same band 
can only be scored once. Any station in your home QCWA chapter may be 
counted only once for a maximum of one QSO per station.
*Regardless of band or mode a multiplier of only one point per contest 
is allowed* for each QCWA chapter worked and for each state, Province or 
Country reported from stations not belonging to a QCWA Chapter. *A 
Multiplier of 3 points* will be given on each band for working our 
Special Events Station *W2MM*. It is hoped to have this station active 
throughout the two parties. Stations within 50 miles (80 Kms) of W2MM 
may work W2MM only once for a total multiplier of 3 points. Sample logs 
and a summary sheet may be requested from QCWA Headquarters with an 
SASE. The address is P O Box 3247 Framingham,MA 01705-3247 USA. They are 
also on the internet at www.qcwa.org . (In 2008 W2MM will be in Virginia 
Beach, VA.)

*Awards:* will be issued for the top 3 World Scores in each category.
A certificate will also be issued for the top score in each category in 
each participating Country.

*Send Logs to: W2OD, Robert Buus, 8 Donner Street, HOLMDEL, NJ 
07733-2004 USA
                          or as an e-mail attachment to : w2od at aol.com* 
        (within 30 days of contest)

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