[CQ-Contest] Michigan QSO Party This Weekend

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Thu Apr 16 20:24:15 PDT 2009

April 18-19, 2009

All contesters are invited to mark their calendars for Saturday, April 
18, 2009 for the 2009 Michigan QSO Party (MiQP).

The operating period is a convenient twelve hours long, from noon EDST 
time (1600Z) until midnight EDST (0400Z) in Michigan.  Stations outside 
of Michigan may only work Michigan stations, while Michigan stations may 
work anybody.  Activity takes place on the 80 thru 10 meter bands, on 
both phone and CW.  The exchange is simple: a sequential QSO number 
(starting with 001) and your location (county for Michigan stations, and 
state, province or "DX" for others).  A station may be worked once per 
band and mode, with CW QSOs counting two points and phone QSOs counting 
one point (just like Field Day).  For Michigan stations, multipliers are 
states, provinces, and Michigan counties; for non-Michigan stations 
multipliers are Michigan counties.  Multipliers are counted once on 
phone and once on CW.  Final score is total QSO points times total 
multipliers.  See the MiQP website at http://www.miqp.org for complete 

MiQP offers an extensive awards program, with handsome plaques awarded 
for the in-state winners of the major categories.  Certificates are 
awarded for the top single-operator score in each Michigan county making 
at least 50 QSOs, and for each non-MI state or province making at least 
25 QSOs.  There is a simultaneous club competition for Michigan and 
non-Michigan clubs.  There are also categories and awards for mobile and 
multi-operator stations.

There is a wealth of information about the Michigan QSO Party available 
on the MiQP website at http://www.miqp.org, such as official log and 
summary sheets, results from past years, and free logging software.  
Questions about MiQP can be directed via e-mail to: miqp at miqp.org.  
There is also an e-mail reflector for those interested in MiQP - details 
are on the web site at http://www.miqp.org/MiQP_Reflector.htm.

We hope to see a great turnout of contesters on the air on April 18th!


MiQP Organizing Committee


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