[CQ-Contest] Why the 10 min rule anyway?

RW4WZ rw4wz at udm.net
Sat Aug 1 22:31:44 PDT 2009

> >  
> > 73- Chuck KI9A
> >   
> Chuck,
> >The answer is pretty simple.  To prevent a multi-transmitter station 
> >from using it's full capabilities to enter a category where 
> the number 
> >of transmitters in simultaenous use is limited (multi-1 or multi-2).
> >The ten-minute rule takes away most of the advantage of 
> having multiple 
> >simultaneous transmitters while giving the contest sponsors 
> a tangible 
> >way to enforce the rules of the catagory in an objective, 
> measurable way.
> >Otherwise, what's to keep a multi-multi station from entering as 
> >multi-single?
> >Dave/K8CC
> Very simple,
> M/S can work only multiplayers on other band.
> M/2 can work anyqso on 2 bands.
> M/M can work anyone anywhere
> Dave 9A1UN

And SOAB could work any qso on 5 bands with out the restrictions of 10 min

Why ? It seems for me because Contest committee TRUST to single operators
DO NOT TRUST to people who are participate as a team that they will follow
the rule
One signal at any one time.

Let me remind the story how this 10 min rule was appear. In mid 70th several
MO station create homemade PA which allow to use it with several
transceivers and switch the
band as one of them begin transmit. This techniques allow us to follow the
rule of one signal at
any time. But CQ committee do not believe us and put all this "cheaters" to
MM category
Then appear the 10 min rule.

That's the story, but may be it is the time to revise this rule and take the
same approach for all
contesters when we talk about the rule ONE SIGNAL AT ANY TIME.



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