[CQ-Contest] 10 Minute rule verbiage

w1md at cfl.rr.com w1md at cfl.rr.com
Sun Aug 2 11:24:01 PDT 2009

The 'numbered' rules below are from ARRL M/S and the 'lettered' rules below are CQWW. I like the CQ format because it allows for more aggregate operating time and FUN...

Look at either set though and the intent seems to be pretty clear...as Randy says...not as easy to re-write as some might think.  Although, it would be nice to see ARRL adopt CQ's M/S rules...<wink, wink>, <nudge, nudge>.


1.	2.3.Multioperator: More than one person performs transmitting, receiving and logging functions, etc. Multioperator stations are divided into subcategories: 
1.	2.3.1.Multioperator, Single Transmitter: Stations are allowed only one transmitted signal at any given time. 
1. those contests that do not have Single Operator Assisted class, this category includes those single operators that use any form of spotting assistance such as from nets or packet. 
2. those that receive assistance with logging or relief operators, etc. 
3. to 6 band changes (maximum) in any clock hour. 
1. clock hour is from zero through 59 minutes. 
2. changes are defined so that, for example, a change from 20 meters to 40 meters and then back to 20 meters constitutes two band changes. 
4. of the 6-band change rule or improper logging will result in an entry reclassification to the Multi-operator Multitransmitter class. 

B. Multi-Operator (all band operation
1. Single Transmitter (MS): Only one
transmitter and one band permitted during
any 10-minute period. Exception:
One—and only one—other band may
be used during any 10-minute period
if—and only if—the station worked is a
new multiplier. Ten-minute periods are
defined as starting with the first logged
QSO on a band. Logs found in violation
of the 10-minute rule will automatically
be reclassified as M2. If electronic logging
is used (Cabrillo), for each QSO
the run transmitter or multiplier transmitter
must be indicated in the log.

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