[CQ-Contest] Swimming and Skimming

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Mon Aug 3 07:18:46 PDT 2009

On Aug 2, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Bill Tippett wrote:

> Interesting that the same number 14% appeared in both of these polls!
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> SWIM SUITS : Should the hi-tech swim suits be banned?
> Yes - 86%
> No - 14%
> Total Votes: 3698  Poll date: 29/07/09

I think it is obvious that competitive swimming should be done "al  
fresco". Eliminates arguments over who's suit is doing what, and would  
probably increase television viewership.... ;^)

> Will you consider entering the Xtreme category?
>   Posted: Jun 16, 2009   (184 votes, 8 comments) by VE5ZX
> Survey Results
> Yes 14% (26)
> No 68% (125)
> Maybe 10% (19)
> Don't know 5% (10)
> Don't care 2% (4)

I just wish that they wouldn't call it Extreme. It isn't extreme, it  
is just using all the tools available.

At this point in the game, the Extreme category is more like running  
QRP, a random wire, and hand logging. All while setting on a picnic  
table in the park.

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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