[CQ-Contest] Station Inspections

Mike Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Thu Aug 13 19:57:26 PDT 2009

Dick Green WC1M wrote:
> I won't comment on the merits of the rule, but I'd like to point out that
> many participants consider contesting much, much more than a hobby. 

If we adopt the semi pro outlook you note for contesting, we might give 
serious consideration to just hangin' it up.

Yes, there are stations that have an amazing amount of effort and money 
put into them. They are awesome. But what happens if all the little 
stations go away?

CQ can't inspect my station, I have philosophical objections to that, so 
I'm "pre-disqualified". There might be other stations and Ops who feel 
the same way. As Yogi Berra noted, "If the fans don't want to come to 
the stadium, you're not going to stop them". 8^)

	- 73 de Mike N3LI -

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