[CQ-Contest] Who is to blame?

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Aug 18 16:40:31 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Kopacz" <david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com>


> So the big questions now becomes, should we allow the CC
> to enter our homes to inspect our stations so we can
> exonerate ourselves and be removed from the "suspects"
> list? The CC committee tells us that if they ask to enter
> our homes and we refuse them access, we will automatically
> be DQ'd from contests for 3 years. That's ludicrous!.


> but don't require innocent people to be required to allow
> you into their homes for no good reason

This is depressing.  How can this mailing list be relevant
and interesting to new contesters in the face of such
obstinate and relentless negativity?

A "station inspection" means just that - no more and no less.

Station inspections, like tax audits or drug tests, may be
targeted or random or universal.  Athletes who compete have
no right to complain about drug tests, and contesters (those
who submit entries) have no right to complain about station

Paul EI5DI


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