[CQ-Contest] New Contesters & CQ-Contest

Ken Salhoff ksalhoff at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 18 18:28:20 PDT 2009

I couldn't agree more...

Ken - N4TCP (a relatively new contester)

On Aug 18, 2009, at 3:24 PM, K1AR at aol.com wrote:

> All,
> Most of can become pretty passionate when we think about the topic  
> of new
> contesters. We remember our early days of operating and the  
> enjoyment we had
> at  that time (and hopefully still today!). A few of us might even  
> recall
> when there  was a sunspot or two.
> In light of the above, I'd like you to consider a concept. If you  
> were a
> new contester and fell into the CQ-Contest list this week, would you  
> be
> motivated to become more involved? In recent months (or maybe  
> longer), we have
> not put our best foot forward. Frankly, at the moment, this is the  
> last
> place I would send a newcomer.
> While the spirited dialog we enjoy is valuable to a point, it often   
> turns
> into name calling and unproductive satire. If I were a new contester
> subscribing to a contest list, I'd be more interested in topics  
> like: how to
> maximize low antennas in a solar minimum, ways I can stretch my  
> contest budget,
> how to get involved in clubs, where I can find resources to learn  
> more, how
> to  choose between running and S&P. The list is endless.
> So, I'd like to suggest something for all of us to consider. Before  
> your
> next post, think about how a new guy might read it. Think about ways  
> to
> contribute your valuable experience in written form that will make  
> your
> CQ-Contest peers say, "Wow -- what a cool post!" Never stop voicing  
> your  opinions,
> but do it in a way that is constructive and avoids personal  attacks.
> I may be off base here, but I'm willing to bet there is merit in  
> taking a
> breath from the mean-spirited nature that makes it to this channel  
> from
> time-to-time. A mailing list is only as good as its participants'  
> positive
> contributions. I, for one, am anxious to return to the roots of this  
> list that
> Trey, N5KO, started many years ago.
> Thanks for reading.
> 73 John, K1AR
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