[CQ-Contest] Corrections To The 2008 IARU HF World Championships

Kutzko, Sean, KX9X kx9x at arrl.org
Fri Aug 21 12:02:33 PDT 2009

Since the 2008 IARU results were published, I recently received a report
from a contester that some numbers didn't add up in their Log-Checking
Report. After considerable review, it was determined that many calls
were universally counted as "incorrect" during the log-checking process
when in fact they were good calls.

As a result of this discovery, we decided the best course of action was
to re-score the 2008 IARU HF World Championships.

The impact of this re-adjudication is relatively minor. Scores went up
slightly across the board. There were no changes to the order of finish
in the Top Five of any entry category except two:  World Single Operator
Phone Only High Power and W/VE Phone Only High Power. Some Top Ten
standings have been affected, as have a select few listings in the
Continental Results and W/VE Region Box. A complete listing of corrected
results can be found at: http://www.arrl.org/contests/results/

We sincerely apologize. We have a volunteer team of some of the finest
contesters in the world that adjudicate our events. They and the ARRL
strive to have the most accurate results in every contest we administer.
However, we are human, and sometimes make mistakes, despite our best
computer programs and eye for detail. We never like to see errors in our
results, but we feel it is far better to acknowledge those mistakes and
correct them as quickly as possible, rather than to not acknowledge the
errors at all.

To minimize the chances of this occurring again, we have made
significant adjustments to the process by which a call is determined to
be "bad." We are also adding more data checks to our quality control

New awards certificates, where warranted, will be printed and mailed by
September 1.

We again apologize for the errors in the 2008 IARU results.


Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Contest Branch Manager

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm)
skutzko at arrl.org

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