[CQ-Contest] Techniques of Ye Olden Days

Warren C. Stankiewicz nf1j at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 31 12:38:29 PDT 2009

Ah, dupe sheets.

The master of dupe sheets has to be Fred Laun, K3ZO. 

His dupe sheets were HUGE. Easily the size of a table top. I don't know
where he got the idea to do that (Fred?), but they were truly amazing.

What makes it even more interesting is that in terms of logging accuracy,
Fred was always one of the top ten most accurate loggers I ever knew. I know
part of that was call sign recognition (which is incredibly important), but
I have to believe that in the pre-computer days, these massive masterpieces
had to have played an important part.


Warren, NF1J

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